Throughout nearly three decades, Spacestor has established themselves as a key innovator of workspace furniture and design thinking in the UK. Eight years ago, Spacestor spotted a major shift in workspace culture and made the decision to open a Design Centre in California, USA. This has given them a unique position to observe and learn from the companies that are driving cultural change.

If you are like the average person, you will spend one-third of your life at work. That’s 90,000 hours of your life. The time you spend at work profoundly impacts your happiness and ultimately, your life’s outcome. We know how important work is to you. The Spacestor mission is to help people by improving their workspace. At the heart of our success, is the fundamental philosophy of Spacestor: We love people.

Simply put, we love people and every product is designed, manufactured, and installed to help someone be more comfortable, efficient, collaborative, motivated, and proud of the place they work. After all, who wants to spend one-third of their life in a dreary cubicle. We want people to love their work environment and smile more while they’re doing it.






Lead times vary by product, quantities and finishes. Please contact us for best available dates. Standard lead time is 8-10 weeks while all custom product is 10-12 weeks, plus shipping. Shop drawings will be provided after a PO is received. The Spacestor team is flexible and dedicated to customer satisfaction. Always reach out if there are extenuating circumstances.


Freight is calculated by ship to zone, total list price, density, weight and quantities. Freight will always be calculated into your quote. Please contact us for best available rates. Minimum charges apply.


Spacestor grades in certain Camira textiles for its high abrasion and sound absorbing qualities. However, Spacestor is also willing to review your COM should you choose to go with something outside of the standard offering. Please contact us for fabric testing or to verify if a COM is approved for use.


It’s a primary concern of Spacestor that we preserve and nurture the environment and our planet. As a global company, our impact on the environment is significant. We seek to consistently support and strengthen the global community, help create a unique, unforgettable workspace experience and to inspire wellbeing. Like our supply chain partners, we take our environmental responsibilities seriously; progressively studying and addressing factors such as waste management, the provenance of our timber and reducing the overall carbon footprint of our business. Minimizing our environmental impact is a key consideration at every step of the way. For more details, including product Declare Labels, please review Spacestor's Sustainability page.


Spacestor is contracted with TIPS; The Interlocal Purchasing System. TIPS is a national purchasing cooperative that offers access to competitively procured purchasing contracts to its membership. You can become a member on the TIPS Website and request a TIPS quote when contacting us for pricing. Spacestor Contract #200301.


Spacestor warrants the products sold by it to be free from defects in material and workmanship for the warranty periods specified under the Spacestor Warranty. During the applicable warranty period, Spacestor will repair or replace (at its option) any product, part, or component covered by this warranty and sold after the effective date of this warranty, which fails under normal use as a result of a defect in material or workmanship. Please review the Spacestor Warranty for more details.